Thursday, February 11, 2010

Any questions

As we move through this process we want to keep everyone informed. So if you have a question, just post it here and we will try to answer and keep everyone informed.


  1. i already have REPUBLIC WASTE THEY STILL WERE 48.00 EVERY 3 MONTHS. i see folks on here complaining that is to much money. for the money that was just saved that $48.00 is nothing. my garbage service starts tomorrow and they just gave me my 96 gal trash can. way to go republic for being there on such quick notice.

  2. just got word from friends working for greensboro they are appealing the annexation ruling. i bet they win, they got these judges in there back pockets. what do you think?

  3. I received a tax bill for my car and there are city taxes included in the amount. Should I not pay the city portion?

  4. When is the deadline for the city to appeal the judge's ruling?

  5. Joe,
    I can not advise you on if you should a tax bill, however currently we are not a part of the city and never were legally. (i.e. NULL and VIOD)
    As far as the deadline to appeal, they had 30 days from the rulling date. FYI They have started that process.

  6. By "started that process" Jim, do you mean that they have actually filed the appeal?

  7. so do I need to call Republic Waste if I want my trash picked up after this Friday?
