Tuesday, April 21, 2009

is it all over??

Well, what a interesting city council meeting tonight. Thanks for the neighbors that came out and endured the bickering. I think all you needed to do was listen to the speakers, the presentations, and the discussion. Unfortunately the city council did not even listen to their own city employees "when the employees asked not to annex any more area until they can provide the services." So the city council voted to annex our area. :( The fight is not totally over, more to come soon!!
Also i am looking to form a group that will watch the city on providing the services, so anyone interested let me know.
Thank you for your help through out this journey, I feel the team saved every homeowner 1,000's of dollars. Now the challenge is to get what we pay for.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

great audio

i found this link to an awesome song.

Link to Here’s to You Mr. Jefferson:
take a listen it is only 3:30

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here is the three pictures used in my presentation


Look at all the bus routes in Blue and community centers (*) there are several Parks and the police are close by if they are needed. However they are not Annexed yet


Here is the Cardinal, they had city water and sewers since the 1970's. The city has grow out to them, and along the way the city invested in parks and trails, and police substations, and fire stations, and all the rest of the amenities that help increase your home value and that they can use for their tax dollars.


Now here is the Millstream area, most of the land that is annexed is office buildings with years and years of free tax, as you can see there are NO parks, NO community centers, NONE of the amenities that the rest of the city enjoys.

Setting the record stright

I feel we should point out the incorrect statements that the city made on Tuesday evening.

1st Dick Hails said the city mailed "two notifications". That is not true, last year they did not mail any notification to the residents. They did mail 1st class mail this year.

2nd Goldie Wells stated that she would be our council member. NOT true, the district we will be in, is district 1 T. Dianne Bellamy-Small.

3rd Zack said he had met with us twice. Wrong again. He did meet with a group at his office, and then he had committed to coming out to our area so we could show him around, however about 15 minutes before he was to arrive he cancelled and never rescheduled.

4th Robbie said it was "not fair - not the procedure to wait and that delaying would create a bad precedent" well i don't understand if there are lots of other neighborhoods that have city water, that are not annexed. ie Cardinal and Sedgefield.

5th Sandra spoke of last year meeting and the topic of the notification. Yes we brought up the lack of disclosure, but that was one point out of several, we brought up the lack of services / amenities last year also. The city has had a year to "get their house in order" and provide the services.

6th Terry Wood said that "there was no case law" that is not true our attorney showed me the case where a community did "withdraw" the petition and won! I believe he was just trying to influence the council.

I realize that some of these misstatements are not massive, EXPECT Terry, however i feel we should keep the truth in the forefront. We will continue to hold their feet to the truth!

The City-Council Meeting

First let me thank all the neighbors that took time out of there schedules to come and show their support for the DELAY and a special THANKS to all that spoke.

Next i would like to set the record straight. We are not against Greensboro, we just feel the timing on the annexation is wrong. Our neighbors have always said that we would welcome the city once it has grown out the 7 miles to our community.

At the present time the city has not focused, or invested to expanding to the far East. They have not developed any Park & Recreation facilitaties like parks, community centers, hiking trials, bike trails, "green" areas. There are NO libraries, Transportation department has not expanded with bus routes etc. So if they annex us now we will not get the some level amenities as other city residents.

We feel the delay should not be one year, it should be until they can provide level of services as others receive.